Best Energy Efficient Fireplaces

Homes To Love interiors editor, Kate Nixon, shares her top tips for smart, energy-efficient fireplaces this Winter. Energy efficient fireplaces and bioethanol …. There’s nothing quite like an open fireplace in winter, but installing one isn’t always straightforward. With strengthened emissions standards for new wood-burning stoves, gas and bioethanol-fuelled designs are quickly becoming the most […]
Stylish eco-friendly appliances

Eco Friendly Home-wares Can Also Be Chic.
Danielle Cherry finds a selection of stylish home wares to green up your home.
North Shore Living Magazine July 2015.
There’s a big debate about whether wood or gas is the most environmentally friendly heating
Wood Heating: a heated debate

Grand Designs Australia Magazine. Issue 4.3 April Ossington. May 2016.We Dispel The Common Myths About Wood Heating & Measure It Against The Alternatives. Wood heaters have received a bad rap in the past with concerns about air pollution, their lack of energy efficiency and their carbon footprint,
10 good reasons to heat with wood

Renewable means you don’t run out. Renewable means you don’t deplete the earth’s resources. Wood is energy from the sun, stored by the tree as it grows. When you burn wood you are releasing this stored energy. In the dark of winter, it’s like having a bit of summer sun on your hearth.
Firewood . . . The Clean Heat

NSW Government sets lower greenhouse gas emission rating for wood heating Nathan Johnson – Architecture & Design Residential wood-fire heating has scored a better environmental rating from the NSW Government, alleviating the concerns of many homeowners about the ecological implications of wood heaters. The NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) […]
Wood – the feel good fuel

Feel good about heating with wood There may be those who mistakenly think that wood is an old fuel on the way out. But some traditions are worth maintaining. Like close family bonds, a healthy community, and the rewards of hard work. Just because wood is a traditional fuel does not mean it should go […]